The Right Person 

Nat Crawford offers a comprehensive pastor search service tailored to each church's unique needs. He focuses on understanding the church's specific culture, history, and goals to find the best pastoral fit. The process includes on-site assessments, extensive candidate interviews, and strategic profiling, backed by a dedicated team and a guarantee to redo the search for free if the hired pastor leaves within the first year, barring church obligations.

Start With The Goal

My pastor search approach at revolves around partnering with you to clearly understand and articulate the ideal leader for your church's unique culture and situation. This ensures the candidate I select aligns as closely as possible with your vision.

Finding the right pastor for your church is more than just a transaction. It involves a deep understanding of your congregation’s journey—its history, culture, and the people who are part of it. I start by listening to your story, which helps me shape the profile for your ideal pastoral candidate. Our approach is tailored to align with where you believe God is leading your church.

I ensure each candidate undergoes a thorough vetting process that includes hours of interviews, assessments, and reviews, guaranteeing a match that truly meets your expectations.

My Guarantee

My commitment to your satisfaction is underscored by my guarantee: should your chosen pastor leave within the first year for any reason other than your church’s non-compliance, Nat Crawford will conduct another search at no cost for the service, and only direct expenses will be covered. This promise reflects our longstanding reliability, which has never required me to fulfill this guarantee. For more details, fill out the form below.

Pastor Search Overview

Comprehensive Congregational Review: Nat engages the entire congregation in the leadership transition process to move from intuition to data-driven insights about the ideal pastoral candidate.

Engagement and Insights Collection: By conducting on-site interviews and focus groups with your leaders, staff, and congregation, Nat crafts a tailored pastor profile and strategy for presenting your church to potential candidates.

Thorough Candidate Evaluation: Candidates undergo extensive assessments with Nat, including multiple evidence-based evaluations to confirm alignment with your church's needs.

Guidance for Search Committees: Nat provides ongoing support and coaching to your search team, guiding them through a prayerful and effective selection process.

Specialized Support: Each client benefits from the dedicated efforts of Pastor Nat and his trusted advisors, ensuring comprehensive support throughout the search process.